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Date(s) - 28/08/2021
9:30 pm - 11:30 pm
PK Games&Music Cafè
Frank Sinutre live al PK Games & Music Cafè a Lanciano sabato 28 agosto 2021.
Frank Sinutre è un duo di musica elettronica di Mantova che utilizza nei live strumenti elettronici autocostruiti: come il reactabox (ispirato al celebre reactable consiste in un controller midi a forma di cubo luminoso) oltre che strumenti tradizionali (chitarra, vocoder, synth, basso, lap steel guitar etc).
Il 25 settembre 2020 esce il loro quarto album “200.000.000 Steps”.
200 milioni di passi sono una stima del numero medio di passi che compie un umano nel corso della sua vita; circa 5 volte attorno al mondo…
Nel corso di questi 9 anni i Frank Sinutre hanno suonato in circa 300 live fra Italia, Austria, Svizzera, Slovenia e Croazia.
Il 25 settembre 2020 esce il loro quarto album “200.000.000 Steps”.
200 milioni di passi sono una stima del numero medio di passi che compie un umano nel corso della sua vita; circa 5 volte attorno al mondo…
Nel corso di questi 9 anni i Frank Sinutre hanno suonato in circa 300 live fra Italia, Austria, Svizzera, Slovenia e Croazia.
Official clip “200.000.000 Steps”:
Music by Frank Sinutre
Video by Giovanni Tutti
Music by Frank Sinutre
Video by Giovanni Tutti
– “La Colpa della Leonessa” 2012, colonna sonora per lo spettacolo teatrale inserito nel “Festival internacional de teatro social” di Valencia in Spagna. Pubblicata per Vittek Records.
– “Musique pour les Poissons” 2014, pubblicato per System Recordings NYC in concomitanza al libro “Racconti per Pesci del Mare d’Aria”.
– “The Boy Who Believed He Could Fly” 2017, pubblicato per New Model Label.
– “Sunset with Sunrise Remixes” 2018, pubblicato per New Model Label.
– “200.000.000 Steps” 2020, pubblicato per New Model Label.
– “La Colpa della Leonessa” 2012, colonna sonora per lo spettacolo teatrale inserito nel “Festival internacional de teatro social” di Valencia in Spagna. Pubblicata per Vittek Records.
– “Musique pour les Poissons” 2014, pubblicato per System Recordings NYC in concomitanza al libro “Racconti per Pesci del Mare d’Aria”.
– “The Boy Who Believed He Could Fly” 2017, pubblicato per New Model Label.
– “Sunset with Sunrise Remixes” 2018, pubblicato per New Model Label.
– “200.000.000 Steps” 2020, pubblicato per New Model Label.
English Version:
Frank Sinutre is an Electronic project born in October 2011 in Mantova (Italy).
It is formed by Isi Pavanelli (ReactaBOX, synth, beat maker, vocoder) and Michele K. Menghinez (guitar, bass, lap steel guitar, vocals and drums).
Since the beginning they played homemade electronic instruments such as Reactabox (a midi controller inspired by the famous Reactable™: it consists of a cube of light that works with an infrared webcam which works by reading images on little cubes and discs controllers that are placed and moved on the reactabox screen) and Drummabox (an acoustic drum machine based on Arduino).
In 2012 they released the first album “La Colpa della Leonessa Soundtrack”, a Soundtrack for the theatre play “La colpa della Leonessa”, directed by Anna Volpi and presented at “Festival de Teatro Social” in Valencia. Even the live-equipment is renewed: they built a second ReactaBOX more performing.
In March 2014 they realized the second album “Musique pour les Poissons” released by the New York label “System Recordings”. The album was released in conjunction and paired with the release of the book: “Racconti per Pesci del Mare d’Aria”. The videomaker Giovanni Tutti directed two videoclips of the single tracks of the album: “Someone’s Dub” (a stop-motion video) and the cover “Oye Como Va”.
In May 2017 Frank Sinutre reaches crowd funding target for the realization of the third reactabox (Reactabox-3 a new midi experience).
19th May 2017 their third album “The Boy Who Believed He Could Fly” has been released by the italian label New Model Label. From this third album, Giovanni Tutti realized two stop motion videos of the single tracks “Driving Thru a City by Night” and “Sunset with Sunrise”.
About “Sunset with Sunrise”, seven djs and producers from different parts of the world remixed it and these seven remixes have been included in an album “Sunset with Sunrise Remixes”, released by New Model Label in December 2018.
In July 17th 2020 New Model Label released brand new Frank Sinutre single track of their fourth studio album. Both the track and the album are called “200.000.000 Steps”.Giovanni Tutti directed the video of this song.
200 million steps are an estimate of the average number of steps that a human takes in his life. About 5 times around the world.
During these 9 years Frank Sinutre played in about 300 live gigs all over Italy, Swiss, Slovenia, Croatia and Austria.
It is formed by Isi Pavanelli (ReactaBOX, synth, beat maker, vocoder) and Michele K. Menghinez (guitar, bass, lap steel guitar, vocals and drums).
Since the beginning they played homemade electronic instruments such as Reactabox (a midi controller inspired by the famous Reactable™: it consists of a cube of light that works with an infrared webcam which works by reading images on little cubes and discs controllers that are placed and moved on the reactabox screen) and Drummabox (an acoustic drum machine based on Arduino).
In 2012 they released the first album “La Colpa della Leonessa Soundtrack”, a Soundtrack for the theatre play “La colpa della Leonessa”, directed by Anna Volpi and presented at “Festival de Teatro Social” in Valencia. Even the live-equipment is renewed: they built a second ReactaBOX more performing.
In March 2014 they realized the second album “Musique pour les Poissons” released by the New York label “System Recordings”. The album was released in conjunction and paired with the release of the book: “Racconti per Pesci del Mare d’Aria”. The videomaker Giovanni Tutti directed two videoclips of the single tracks of the album: “Someone’s Dub” (a stop-motion video) and the cover “Oye Como Va”.
In May 2017 Frank Sinutre reaches crowd funding target for the realization of the third reactabox (Reactabox-3 a new midi experience).
19th May 2017 their third album “The Boy Who Believed He Could Fly” has been released by the italian label New Model Label. From this third album, Giovanni Tutti realized two stop motion videos of the single tracks “Driving Thru a City by Night” and “Sunset with Sunrise”.
About “Sunset with Sunrise”, seven djs and producers from different parts of the world remixed it and these seven remixes have been included in an album “Sunset with Sunrise Remixes”, released by New Model Label in December 2018.
In July 17th 2020 New Model Label released brand new Frank Sinutre single track of their fourth studio album. Both the track and the album are called “200.000.000 Steps”.Giovanni Tutti directed the video of this song.
200 million steps are an estimate of the average number of steps that a human takes in his life. About 5 times around the world.
During these 9 years Frank Sinutre played in about 300 live gigs all over Italy, Swiss, Slovenia, Croatia and Austria.
Frank Sinutre Discography:
“La Colpa della Leonessa Soundtrack” 2012, a soundtrack for a theatre play, realesed by Vittek Records; this soundtrack was included in the “Festival de Teatro Social de Valencia” in Spain.
“Musique pour les Poissons” 2014 released by System Recordings from NYC.
“The Boy Who Believed He Could Fly” 2017, released by New Model Label.
“Sunset with Sunrise Remixes” 2018, released by New Model Label.
“200.000.000 Steps” 2020, released by New Model Label.
“La Colpa della Leonessa Soundtrack” 2012, a soundtrack for a theatre play, realesed by Vittek Records; this soundtrack was included in the “Festival de Teatro Social de Valencia” in Spain.
“Musique pour les Poissons” 2014 released by System Recordings from NYC.
“The Boy Who Believed He Could Fly” 2017, released by New Model Label.
“Sunset with Sunrise Remixes” 2018, released by New Model Label.
“200.000.000 Steps” 2020, released by New Model Label.
Foto tratta dalla pagina facebook dei Frank Sinutre